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Presidential Candidate

Writer: CBNCBN

8 August 2018 - Mel Korba Boshka elections has informed us that a candidate has paid the ballot fee of $1 million CBD to run for president. Tom Tillerson, 35 of Mel Korba has thrown his hat into the 2018 Presidential Election. This is the first time that Boshka has had a presidential election with more than one presidential candidate. Tillerson is a native from Mel Korba with a wife and two children. "I've seen Boshka start to lean to the far left in recent years. It's time that we put Boshka back on track and establish a clear view and path for this country." Tillerson said to one of our reporters just before entering the office building of his father's financial consulting firm that has been in his family for five generations. We asked Tillerson what his thoughts were on the recent anti-abortion bill. "I am very pleased with the results. We have a moral obligation to protect all human life no matter the cost." Tillerson told us.  Click here to visit his campaign website. 

Courtesy of the Tom Tillerson for President Campaign



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