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Current Available Careers 

  • Teacher**

  • Doctor**

  • Pharmacist**

  • Lawyer**

  • Police Officer*

  • Firefighter*

  • Emergency Medical Services**

  • Building Contractor**

  • Chef**

  • Gardner*

  • Hair Stylist**

  • Welder**

  • Engineer**

  • Pilot**

  • Coroner**

  • Mortician**

  • Librarian**

  • Chemist**

  • Merchant*

  • Astronaut**

  • Psychologist**

  • Administrative Assistant*



*High School Diploma

**College Degree

All jobs require some level of education and/or a college degree.  If you do not have any form of degree and would like to obtain one, please click on the education tab.

For more information about available careers, please contact us!

Please be aware all salaries are in Commonwealth of Boshka Dollars (CBD) when applying for Boshka Careers. 

© 2020 Boshka CAREERS

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