The road to Mars isn't an easy one. There are many bumps in the road along the way. BSA scientist have began over a year ago mapping out the path to Mars. But like many journeys, it begins here at home on Earth.
Back in 2019, the talk of putting a man on Mars was already making it's rounds around the space agency. Director Nickolaus Simoneit had already started talking with the Bannister Administration on securing funding for the mission. With the help of local space enthusiast, former astronauts, scientists, and privately owned space agencies, funding and the technology was secured.
At the end of 2019, planning had started on the project and by early 2020, it had been completed.
After a year of planning and securing the funding for the mission, next came the selection process.
It takes months of training to become an astronaut. That's why the BSA looked for individuals that had some background in space travel already. The two individuals that were selected out of a pool of over 12 candidates had already traveled to space and have conducted a combined 37 hours of space walk time between the two of them.
These individuals have served their countries once before, and will soon serve all of humanity in becoming the first ever human beings on Mars.