25 July 2018 - Capital City, Carnswell *Update* The House of Commons passed the 2018 Medicare Act this pass Monday. President Bannister brought the bill to the floor. Starting as early as September, Boshkan residents that are of the age of 62 years or older, will automatically qualify for the insurance program.
Although, seniors will be placed in the program automatically, they will need to register and choose a plan that best suits their needs. During the "Open Enrollment" period, seniors will need to choose a plan, otherwise, one will be chosen for them. They will not be able to choose another plan until next "Open Enrollment" period.
The big concern for citizens, is how will the Federal Government pay for this federally funded program? In other countries, specifically the US, Medicare is taken out of an individuals each paycheck. This has Thomas Wells, 64 of Milo concerned. "I live on a fixed income and that isn't much now as it is. I only get paid a retirement check once a month and I barely have enough to pay rent, my bills and to eat. I don't need any extra expenses." said Wells. The bill makes no mention of the word "tax", although essentially it is. Click here to visit the site.
