21 June 2019 - Capital City, CW - Today, the House of Commons confirmed Kaidence Avery as the new Secretary of State. Avery has been a Boshkan citizen since 2014 and has worked in the State Department for over three years. When Avery first moved to Boshka from Colorado, USA, she attended Carnswell University where she graduated Summa Cum Laude with a bachelor's degree in political science back in May 2018. She is currently pursuing her masters degree.
"Kaidence Avery is a very intelligent young woman. She has proven herself time and time again and I have no doubt that she will exceed our expectations. As Secretary of State, she will bring Boshka into the international spotlight like no other. I am eager to work with her as soon as possible." - President Michael R. Bannister
Kaidence Avery will officially become the new Secretary of State this Monday after the President swears her in at House 804. CBN will be there broadcasting live.