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Live or Let Die?

Writer: CBNCBN

1 September 2018 - Central City, Calhan - Live or Let Die? That is the question The Supreme Court will ultimately be deciding on Monday. To let Franklin Fialkowski, age 37 of Central City, Calhan live or die. "The expensises to keep him alive are astronomical. I have had to refinance my home three times already." Terry Fialkowski, Franklin's wife said to reporters of CBN this morning. Franklin's wife feels that it is pointless to keep her husband on live support. The lead doctor for Central City Medical said that Franklin has a 45% chance of regaining consciousness again. That's the hospitals minimum to keep someone on life support.

Back in 2017, Franklin was cleaning his gutters, when he lost his balance and fell about 50 feet, hitting his head on the concrete below, leaving him in a coma ever since. Franklin and his wife Terry have been married for 24 years, and now she is ready to say goodbye. That's where the problem is. She's willing to let her husband go, but the hospital is not. So, who has say? Since Franklin did not have a will, that question is up in the air. The hospital will not let Terry choose the "end-of-life" option. James Wardlaw, MD the hospital administrator said that, "Anyone who is at a 45% survival rate or higher cannot opt for the "end-of-life option." But, Terry feels that it is not the decision of the hospital to make. " They are basically keeping him a prisoner here and I'm having to pay for it." Terry told reporters. Terry has haired a lawyer and recently meet someone on a popular dating app. "I can't move on with my life. It's like I have this dark cloud over my head." she said.

On Monday morning, three Supreme Court Justices will make the decision to let Franklin continue to receive services and let Terry continue to pay for them, or to let Franklin die. This will be the first time such a case has went to the Supreme Court in Boshka. The decision will not only effect Boshkans here at home, but will sway decisions in other parts of the region as well.

The independence of the Court, the quality of its work and the esteem in which it is held both in Boshka and abroad contribute significantly as foundations for a secure, strong and democratic country founded on the Rule of Law .


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