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The History of Boshka

1800's - 1900's

The history of Boshka dates back far beyond the founding of Boshka itself. A man by the name of Lawrence Sebastian Clinkscales built his home in a tiny rural town called Cook Station, SC. USA. Later, the founder changed the name of the town in honor of his daughter, Iva Bryson Cook. The town became known as Iva, and in the early 1900's became officially incorporated.


Around the early 1900's, Clinkscales built his growing family a larger home.


This photo shows Lawrence Sebastian Clinkscales around 1893.  


This photo shows Lawrence Sebastian Clinkscales' home around the early 2000's.  

The home was purchased from one of Lawrence Clinkscales' youngest daughters around 1994. At the time, the home's value was just over $77,000 USD ($103,000 CBD). Today, much of the house has been restored to it's full glory of the early 1900's. Much of the interior has been untouched.


This photo shows The Green Room of House 804 around 2007.

1980's - 1990's

On 10 October 1987, Boshka's founder, President Michael Ryan Bannister was born at the Anderson Memorial Hospital, now called AnMed in Anderson, SC. USA. After being born, Michael was taken to his home in Iva, SC. USA. On 19 October 1987, known today as "Black Monday", when stock markets around the world crashed. This would be the beginning of one of the contributing factors for Boshka's creation.




This photo shows the Anderson Memorial Hospital around the early 60's to early 80's.

This is a graph showing when the stock market crashed in 1987.

2000's - 2005

After the economic crisis of the 80's, things seemed to be picking back up for the US economy. On 11 September 2001, the US would suffer another major blow. This time, from terrorists and America's skyline would be forever changed.


After the events that occurred on that day, America would be forever changed. The attacks that were carried out by the extremist group called Al Qaeda, were designed to topple America's economy and infrastructure. Targeting key locations such as, The World Trade Center, The Pentagon, and The White House. Only two of those attacks were successful. The airplane destined for The White, crashed in field in Pennsylvania, USA.


Photo of the terrorists attacks that occurred on 11 September 2001 in the US.

The following year, the US went to war with Iraq and it's dictator, Saddam Hussein. After the US toppled the dictator and his regime, the US economy made a major come back. Banks were making loans at a rate never before seen and the housing market was at its best it had been in recent years. Then in early 2006, things started to dip down. Newly graduated college students where finding it difficult to find jobs. 


2006 - 2016

In the Spring of 2006, Michael graduated from Crescent High School in Iva, SC. USA. Now, Michael must face a difficult question. Go to college, which Michael had been accepted to Southern Wesleyan University's Pre-Law program, or join the work force and save money, knowing how hard it would be to get a job and to owe on student loans. Ultimately, Michael would choose the work force and took a break for one year. During this time, Michael began to look, listen, and think about the direction the nation was headed.


Photo of Crescent High School, Iva, SC. USA in 2018.


Boshka Coat of Arms (2006 - 2008)

After seeing what was happening in the US with the housing market on the verge of collapsing, and the current president's ratings dropping and becoming more and more unpopular, Michael posed the question: "How could I do things differently?".


Then, early in the month of May, Michael created a micronation, known today as, Boshka. Michael took elements from different government types all around the world. After doing some research, Michael discovered the former Yugoslavia. Not wanting to recreate the former country, decided to use a lot of their symbols and loosely based Boshka on a European/Russian style country as far as Boshka's symbolism was concerned.

Boshka started out as a micronation that was solely internet based. Michael had found a base to start Boshka in an online simulation game called, Nation States. After spending time on the online game, Michael become bored with the idea, mainly feeling limited to what he could do has ruler over his new online micronation.


After awhile, Michael wondered if he could take it a step farther and start a micronation based in reality. After doing some research on the internet, Michael discovered that people all over the world were creating, and for the first time, Michael discovered the word, micronations.


Boshka's first flag. (2006 - 2007)


After being inspired by other well known micronationalists, Michael decided to take his online micronation to the physical form. Right away, flags, seals, and currencies were being created. Then, on 16 May 2007, Boshka officially declared independence and the Constitution of Boshka was created.

Prince Leonard of Hutt River of Australia.

How did Boshka get it's name? When Michael was thinking of names for the online game Nation States, he wanted to have an ending sound like actual major countries such as, America, Canada, and Russia. They all had the 'a' sound at the end. One day, while driving along a highway in Anderson, SC. USA, Michael passed a manufacturing facility called Bosch.


Bosch, Anderson, SC. USA

It was at that moment Michael knew what the name would be. He took the first set of letters of the company's name and switched the letters around and added the 'a' sound at the end. That is where the name Boshka originated from.

2006 - Present

President Bannister was first elected to the House of Commons in 2006 as the New Democratic Party of Boshka Member of the Senate for Carnswell. He stepped down in 2007 to become Vice President (later President) of the National Citizens Coalition, a non-partisan Boshkan organization that advocates for individual freedoms and accountable government. In 2007, President Bannister won the leadership of the Boshkan Alliance, became Leader of the Official Opposition and returned as Speaker of the House.


First map of Boshka. (2006 - 2009)


Bosch = Bosh

Bosh+ka = Boshka


First official photo of then Senator Michael R. Bannister. (2006 - 2007)

Official portrait of Michael R Bannister

In 2007, the members of the Boshkan Alliance and the Progressive Conservative Party of Boshka voted to unite as the new Conservative Party of Boshka, and selected President Bannister as their first leader. President Bannister is the first elected president of Boshka.

First official portrait of President Michael R. Bannister. (2007 - 2014)


President Bannister meeting with the then, newly appointed Supreme Court Chief Justice Alexandria 


Supreme Court Chief Justice Alexandria Sykora and President Bannister in The Green Room of House 804. (21 September 2012)

Since it's founding, Boshka has made an impact in the international community. 


President Bannister delivering the Thanksgiving message from The Green Room of House 804. (1 October 2012)


Condolences from the President to the Imperial Family of the Empire of Austenasia on the passing of HIH Dame Bette Austen, DHJ. (12 October 2012)

In the middle of the year of 2016, Boshka officially claimed physical territory. The island is approximately 500 miles southeast of New Zealand. It is an island that is uninhabited and according to international law, considered to be in international waters. 





First official map of Boshka and it's provinces. (2016)


Shortly after making this claim, President Bannister sent official letters to all UN Member States including the UN, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Israel, and many more. After giving the standard amount of time to respond to these letters, to this day, no UN Member has contested this claim. According to law, if no one contests the claim within the given amount of time, the claim may move forward.

Stack of official letters that were sent to UN Member States in 2016.

In the summer of 2017, President Bannister attended MicroCon 2017 in Atlanta, GA. USA. Present for the conference were other micronations from all around the world, including, Molossia, Westarctica, West Who, Principauté d'Aigues-Mortes, Aerican Empire, Flandrensis just to name a few. Also present were local media outlets and HBO | VICE News.


President Bannister attending MicroCon 2017 in Atlanta GA. USA. (2017)


President Bannister signing a treaty between Boshka and Principality of Aigues-Mortes in The State Room of House 804. (2017)

Later that same year, Google recognized The Commonwealth of Boshka as an actual location. The Commonwealth of Boshka is a searchable country in Google Maps. The next year, Google added street views of Boshka to Google Maps.


Image from the search engine Google of Boshka. (2019)


At the end of 2017, Facebook recognized Boshka's page as an official government organization. To this day, the official Facebook page is the number one rated, government page on Facebook.

Screenshot of Boshka's official Facebook page. (2019)

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